Interest: Education
The Rubin Israel Experience is Accepting Applications for a No-Cost Trip to Israel
Join 27 to 45-year-old St. Louisans who have never been to Israel Applications are now open for The Rubin Israel Experience, an all-expense-paid trip for St. Louisans 27 to 45…
Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series Welcomes Rabbi Ariella Graetz Bartuv
Join Jewish Federation of St. Louis for the next event in the Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series on Monday, February 29 at 7:00 pm with Rabbi Ariella Graetz Bartuv. Rabbi Ariella…
JProStl Honored Jewish Professionals at Annual Luncheon January 28
Nearly 400 people attended the Annual JProStl Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, January 28 at the St. Louis Jewish Community Center, Staenberg Family Complex. JProStl is the professional association for staff who work…
JOLT Starts Third Trimester of Classes for Teens
Jewish Opportunities & Learning for Teens (JOLT) has announced their course description for Trimester 3 of their engaging classes for Jewish teens. The beauty of JOLT is that admission is…
JProStl Presents “The Power of Listening” Workshop to Kick Off 2016 Professional Development Series
JProStl, the association for staff who work in Jewish organizations, agencies, congregations and schools throughout the St. Louis Jewish community, is launching “The Power of Difference,” their 2016 professional development…
Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series Welcomes Dr. Joshua Holo
Join Jewish Federation of St. Louis for the next event in the Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 pm with Dr. Joshua Holo. Dr. Joshua Holo…
Announcing the 2016 Millstone Fellows Class
Announcing the 2016 class of Millstone Fellows, the Millstone Institute’s premier program for emerging and established leaders in the St. Louis Jewish community. This select 8-month leadership program creates the…
New Courses at Center for Jewish Learning and UMSL
Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ new Center for Jewish Learning is excited to offer several winter courses beginning this January. Browsing the Bible: Biblical Books We Don’t Often Study with…
Can Jews Back Both Israel and Black Lives Matter? Of Course!
By Rori Picker Neiss and Andrew Rehfeld Regarding the Forward’s December 21 article “Can Jews Back ‘Black Lives Matter’ and Be Pro-Israel?” we wish to state that the St. Louis Jewish…
2015 Scholarship Opportunities for Teen Travel to Israel
Jewish Federation of St. Louis, through the Israel Center, announces the availability of several grants and scholarships for teens and young adults traveling to Israel in 2016 on a peer-based…