Interest: Education
“Swastika Rehabilitation Day”
Last week Karen Areosty, regional director of the ADL, sent out an official bulletin alerting the community to the celebration of “Swastika Rehabilitation Day.” (See their blog here) The celebration is being coordinated…
Women’s Philanthropy Presents Programming Series
Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federation of St. Louis will present three special events in 2013 and 2014 as part of the Women’s Philanthropy Programming Series. Intended to inspire, educate and…
Just how many Jews are there in St. Louis?!
If you’ve lived in St. Louis anytime over the last 20 years you probably “know” that our population is 60,000 people. Actually we do not really know that: the estimate…
Next Gen Next Steps: An Update
In early June 2013 Federation hosted Miryam Rosenzweig, the Director of Next Gen initiatives at the Detroit Jewish Federation. Miryam met with a broad cross-section of the St. Louis Jewish…
More than 650 Attend Annual Legacy Shabbats
St. Louis congregations host unique events to honored volunteers and donors who gave legacy gifts through the Jewish Community Foundation Eight local synagogues and one agency held Legacy Shabbat programs…
Nominees Sought for Goldstein Professional Leadership Award
Recognizes outstanding professional leaders in local Jewish community Jewish Federation of St. Louis is seeking nominations for the 2013 Fred A. Goldstein Memorial Service Award, which recognizes outstanding professional leadership….
CAJE Teacher Xchange
Recently, art teacher Suzanne Burack put together a project for the kindergartners and first and second graders who were studying Jerusalem at Temple Emanuel. Although it was not the first…
Building Jewish Identity: Jen Kaslow
When Jen Kaslow was growing up, she felt a little confused and not completely connected to her Jewish roots. “My husband, David’s Jewish identity was an integral part of his…
Unclaimed Property Older Missourian Education Initiative
Carolyn Epstein was researching the cost of an emergency response system. “I’m getting older and I have a disabled son,” she says. “If I fall, he might not be able…
JProStl Presents Creativity Series
Tuesday, June 25, 1-2:30pm Federation Kopolow Building Programs cultivate the use of music, acting and art to enhance human resources skills “Creativity in the Workplace,” a new JProStl series for…