Interest: New to St. Louis
It’s Time for Some Spring Cleaning
Jewish Federation of St. Louis needs help to make sure we have updated and accurate contact information for our constituents. Please visit to verify your name, nickname, cell phone…
2016-2017 Shabbat Shalom STL Presented by YPD and Next Dor
Join YPD and Next Dor in exploring St. Louis Synagogues! This series, Shabbat Shalom STL, offers young adults an exciting opportunity to see, feel, hear and taste a variety of…
Jewish Federation of St. Louis Launches New Welcome Program
Do you know someone who just moved to St. Louis? Be sure to tell them about “CHAI’ St. Louis,” a new welcome program from Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Newcomers…
Building Community
Imagine you’ve just moved to a brand new city. You haven’t found a place to live. Friends are few or non-existent. The panic sets in – where will I live?…
Sam Freedman
I am most passionate about helping to grow our community by assisting young couples interested in moving back to St. Louis to find jobs. I am the President of Professional…
Peggy Kaplan
When Peggy Kaplan moved to St. Louis from Southern California, she initially wasn’t very involved in the Jewish community. “I didn’t have a lot of Jewish friends when we moved here,” she…
Nicki Kruger
When Nicki Kruger, 45, and her husband moved to St. Louis from Iowa, she didn’t know a soul. With three young children, Gabi, 10, Benjamin, 6, and Shauni, 4, Nicki…