Our Board

The Board of Directors has moral and legal responsibility for the direction, management, and control of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis.

Are you a member of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis Board?

If you haven’t yet received your password to these sections, please contact Chief of Staff, Emily Bornstein at EBornstein@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3802.


2024 Board of Directors


Board Chair: Bob Newmark
Vice Chair At-Large: Sue Schlichter
Vice Chair of Communications: Craig Rosenthal
Vice Chair of Community Impact: Burt Garland
Vice Chair of Community Leadership and Engagement: Patty Bloom
Vice Chair of Development: Toby Warticovschi
Vice Chair of Finance: Felicia Malter

Vice Chair, Governance & Board Engagement: Ben Cherry
Immediate Past Chair: Greg Yawitz

At-Large Directors

Amy Bender-Levy
Shira Berkowitz
Jim Deutsch
Jonathan Deutsch
Daniel Friedman
Abby Goldstein
Cathy Goldsticker
John Greenberg
Neil Jaffe
Mont Levy
Emily Stein MacDonald
Dalia Oppenheimer
Joe Pereles
Aviva Raskas
Dafna Revah
Rabbi Janine Schloss
Sherry Shuman
Todd Siwak
Tim Stern
Rachel Thimangu
Rob Wasserman
Melanie Winograd
Leslie Yoffie


Council of Life

The Council of Life includes all past Board Chairs and other specially elected long-term, distinguished community leaders.

Ilse Altman (Of Blessed Memory)
Terry Bloomberg
Lee Bohm (Of Blessed Memory)
Paul Cahn
Patricia F. Croughan*
Julian Edison (Of Blessed Memory)
Alyn Essman* (Of Blessed Memory)
Marilyn Essman (Of Blessed Memory)
Marilyn Fox * (Of Blessed Memory)
Ambassador Sam Fox
Harris Frank* (Of Blessed Memory)
Henrietta Freedman (Of Blessed Memory)
Thomas Green* (Of Blessed Memory)
Sheila Greenbaum*
Gerald P. Greiman*
Siegmund Halpern* (Of Blessed Memory)
Harvey Harris*
Harvey and Terry Hieken (Of Blessed Memory)
Bill Kahn (Of Blessed Memory)
Ken Kranzberg
Mont Levy*
Leslie Litwack
Michael Litwack*
Lynn Lyss
Robert Millstone*
Sanford Neuman* (Of Blessed Memory)
Michael Newmark*
Heschel Raskas*
Barry Rosenberg
Pam and Ron Rubin
Jay Sarver*
Alvin Siteman
Nancy Siwak*
Richard Stein
Morris Sterneck* (Of Blessed Memory)
Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman
Harvey N. Wallace*
Greg Yawitz*
*Past Board Chair