Volunteer With Us!


Jewish Federation of St. Louis volunteers represent the community’s wide variety of interests, ages, and viewpoints. Donating time and expertise, volunteers serve on boards and committees, raise funds, oversee endowments, secure grants, examine needs, plan for the community, and distribute funds to meet the needs. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities in St. Louis, there is a place for people of all ages, interests, and involvement levels.


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Volunteer Opportunities in St. Louis

Volunteering in St. Louis at the Jewish Federation is a great way to support your neighbors and our programs and services.


Volunteer with Women’s Philanthropy
Connecting community and inspiring social good.

Women’s Philanthropy provides an opportunity for women to connect with each other while learning about and supporting the needs of the Jewish communities in St. Louis, Israel, and around the world. Learn how you can get involved.


Volunteer with YPD (Young Professionals Division)
Your Place Discovered.

From dancing it up at Senior Prom to hands-on service at the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry, volunteering with YPD is a great way to engage with and support the St. Louis community. Learn more about volunteer opportunities with YPD. 


Become a Development Volunteer
Provide critical services in the local community, Israel, and abroad.

Jewish Federation of St. Louis partners with 200 Development Volunteers (DVs) to raise funds for the Annual Campaign. These volunteers are committed lay leaders in the Jewish community who reach out to their networks to inspire others to support the important work of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Interested in joining this team of incredible volunteers? Contact Jeremy Goldberg, Director of Campaign & Affinity Groups, at 314-442-3774 or JGoldberg@JFedSTL.org.