Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 6
Above: Outside our hosts' home in the Old City to light the Chanukah candles. Day 6: Jerusalem We started our last day of the official trip with a visit to Yad Vashem, the world’s leading center of learning on the Holocaust and intolerance. Yad Vashem (pictured...
Snir Blog – December 7, 2018
Happy Hanukkah! This week we had a lot of activities for Hanukkah! At Kol Rinah Early Childhood Center, we made candle headbands and we colored them! And at Sunday School, we had Israel Defense Force (IDF) day! We learned about the different brigades and units, we...
Lir Blog – December 7, 2018
Happy Hanukkah everyone!! This week at Sunday school at United Hebrew, we learned about a special event that happened 71 years ago – November 29, 1947 – The Partition Plan. It is the date that The United Nations General Assembly approved a plan for the partition...
Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 5
Day 5: Ramallah and Jerusalem Today we were greeted by chilly weather and constant rain, but in spite of this we carried on with an ambitious agenda. Our first stop was across the check point into the West Bank where our guide, a Palestinian-American journalist...
Jewish Young Adults Will Gather Dec. 24 for Annual LollapaJEWza
Are you dreaming of a white LollapaJEWza? If so, grab your ugliest holiday sweater and head out to Westport Social (910 Westport Plaza Drive) on December 24 from 9 pm to midnight. You don't want to miss joining 300 other young adults for the biggest Christmas Eve...
Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 4
Above: Dinner with MK Yoel Hasson (Deputy Speaker of Knesset) Day 4: Nazareth and Jerusalem Today was dedicated to discussions around national security and domestic issues facing Israelis. In the morning we had an opportunity to receive a security briefing from...
Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 3
We started today at Leket, Israel’s largest food redistribution program. Leket’s partnerships in agriculture, tourism, and the business community allow them to use excess food and fresh produce to feed vulnerable individuals.
Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 1
The goal of hybrid is to make the world a better and safer place, which is the same goal we have as Legislators. It has been interesting to continue to realize we left from Newark, which is the same size as this country.
Lir Blog – December 4, 2018
So now that I am back in Saint Louis after a very nice vacation, I am already settling in with my new Host Family House – the Smith Family. The Shinshinim live with different host families for a time period of about 3 months with each during the year that we are here...
Israel Legislative Mission Log: Day 2
Today we started early on our journey to Ben Gurion University in the Negev desert. We had an opportunity to visit with cutting-edge scientists using technology to solve real-world problems.