Interest: Education
Poet, author Joy Ladin explores Torah through the lens of transgender experience
The Center for Jewish Learning presents Community Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Joy Ladin for a trio of events to discuss her poetry, her most recent book “The Soul of the Stranger: Reading…
YPD and Next Dor Bring Back Shabbat Shalom STL
Join YPD and Next Dor in exploring St. Louis area synagogues. This annual series, Shabbat Shalom STL, offers young adults an exciting opportunity to experience meaningful Shabbat services, share a delicious…
Midwest Innocence Project presents ‘Exonerated: Justice, justice shall you pursue’
Imagine spending decades in prison for a crime you didn’t commit. The Midwest Innocence Project seeks to set free those who, through wrongful convictions, end up as victims of our…
Boniuk-Tanzman Memorial Lecture Will Focus on Identifying Depression
Dr. David Pelcovitz will deliver the Boniuk-Tanzman Memorial Lecture on Jewish Medical Ethics with a talk on “Identifying Depression: Jewish and Psychological Perspectives” on Sunday, April 7. The John C….
Spring starts with a wide range of Sh’ma: Listen! speakers
Spring will be filled with opportunities to expand your mind as the Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series ramps up with a host of Center for Jewish Learning events from March 18…
Snir Blog – March 1, 2019
I am going to Israel!!! This week was very exciting! It was the first week before our flight to Israel! At Kol Rinah Early Childhood Center and Religious School, we…
Lir Blog – March 1, 2019
This week was very unique. It started off on Friday when I had my Dvar Israel at United Hebrew. We talked about Israel’s politics and the upcoming elections. I had…
Lir Blog – February 21, 2019
Hey everyone! What a busy week I had! It started off on Thursday when my host family’s family arrived from all around the world. Last weekend was my host brother’s…
Snir Blog – February 21, 2019
Purim is coming! This week I had lots of activities! At Shaare Emeth Early Childhood Center, we had a Purim Bingo! We learned about Masks and why we wear them,…
Lir Blog – 2.7.19
What a nice and chill week we had. It started off with my first time ever Super Bowl game. It was a very unique American experience when I got to…