Parent Resources

We have compiled information on the following topics in order to help you find information on some of the most popular items that new parents are searching for:

Clicking on these or any external links may take you into other websites for which Shalom Baby St. Louis assumes no responsibility.



Congregation and Community Resources
Jewish Education and Holidays

Celebrating the Jewish holidays takes on a new meaning now that you have a child.
Want to find ways to connect with the larger St. Louis Jewish community around the holidays? Click here to view or download a PDF chart of all the Jewish Holidays now through 2020.

Jewish Websites

Now that you have a baby, you will discover a whole new world of places in St. Louis to visit that are geared toward families with young children. Below is a sampling of some of the places you can visit, including parks and malls with play areas for toddlers, local children’s museums and attractions. Let us know if YOU find a great place and we would be happy to share it with other parents!


Family Entertainment
 Local Sites
Parenting and Support
  • Barnes Jewish Hospital Health Line: 314-362-MOMS
  • Missouri Regional Poison Control Center: 314-772-8300 or 800-222-1222
  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital: 314-454-KIDS
  • SSM Health & Wellness Hotline: 314-SSM-KIDS
  • Missouri ParentLink Information Line: 314-552-8522
  • Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline of Missouri: 800-392-3738
  • Behavioral & Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 314-469-6644 or 800-811-4760