PJ Library

Click here for a list of books and resources that can help you talk to your children about race.

PJ-LibraryThe PJ Library® is an international Jewish family engagement program designed to strengthen the identities of Jewish families and their relationship to the Jewish community. In the most tender moments – BEDTIME – young children and their parents share the beauty of their heritage.

The PJ Library offers free, high-quality Jewish books and music each month to over 100,000 children between birth and 12 years years old in more than 175 communities in the United States, Canada and Israel.

A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library was launched in St. Louis in 2007 thanks to the generosity of Leslie and Michael Litwack. PJ Library’s vision is to inspire family engagement in Jewish life, stronger Jewish identity and deeper connections to Jewish community.

The PJ Library initiative is building a stronger Jewish people, one book at a time. At this time when many young families in our society are exploring how they want to raise their children, PJ Library books and music arrive in families’ homes, offering resources for making Jewish choices and establishing Jewish connections.

PJ Library aims to help families explore the timeless core values of Judaism and to transmit these values to the next generation – creating a Jewish literacy for this generation and laying a strong foundation for the ones to come.

PJ Library impacts families beyond the books they receive at home by connecting families to the Jewish community here in St. Louis, and enriching local Jewish programming. The themes in the books are relevant to Jews in all streams of Judaism; thus, the program operates outside the parameters of denomination or level of observance.

Families with kids birth to 8 years, register at PJLibrary.org; 8 1/2 to 12 1/2 years old, register at PJOurWay.org.
Jennifer Baer

Jennifer Baer

Director of Family Engagement

For more information about PJ Library or other engagement opportunities within the St. Louis Jewish community, contact Jennifer Baer at 314-442-3867 or JBaer@JFedSTL.org.

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