Our Supporting Foundations


What is a Supporting Foundation?

Each Supporting Foundation through the Jewish Federation of St. Louis has its own mission and vision to provide funding to key areas of interest. These Jewish foundations are set up by philanthropic individuals, families or groups who have a passion for a specific area of the Jewish community.

Our Jewish Foundations in St. Louis

There are currently four Supporting Foundations at the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. These organizations provide a unique opportunity for funding in a number of specialized areas and for a variety of grantees, including nonprofits and local congregations.

Kranzberg Family Foundation

Established through a commitment from Ken Kranzberg, the Kranzberg Family Foundation provides funds focused on engaging future generations of the St. Louis Jewish community. See recent recipients and learn about applications and guidelines.

Lubin-Green Foundation

Since 1985, the Lubin-Green Foundation has supported projects and programs of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis and local community groups and congregations. Learn more about the Foundation’s areas of interest and grant cycle.

Staenberg Family Foundation

Michael and Carol Staenberg created the Staenberg Family Foundation in 2005 as a way to support the Federation and Jewish life in St. Louis, Israel and around the world. Explore the Foundation’s priorities, grant opportunities and success stories.

Women’s Auxiliary for Jewish Aged

The Women’s Auxiliary for the Jewish Aged launched their Foundation in 2014 as a way to support local nonprofits that provide programs for the Jewish elderly in St. Louis. Find details about how to apply and see lists of past grant recipients.

Supporting Jewish Foundations              Jewish Federation Foundations              Staenberg              WAF women