Interest: Holidays

Non-Religious Shabbat?

I’ve been speaking about the need to support secular approaches to Jewish lifecycle events even as we support our traditional religious institutions.  Here’s a great example of integrating a religious…

Sukkat Shalom!

Our family has a tradition of constructing rather unconventional sukkot each year.  Under my wife’s guidance, we put up sheets, or make other provisions to construct what I like to…

Our Shabbat in Yokneam Megiddo

By Bernice Malka Living Bridge Coordinator Click here for original post   On a very hot afternoon of July, the family trip of Bnai Amoona synagogue from St. Louis, led…

Summer in the City for 18-22 Year Olds

Federation continues to provide young adults another point of access into the Jewish community with our innovative “Summer in the City” program developed by our Young Professional Division volunteers and…