JProStL Share Shabbat

Various homes around the community
St. Louis, MO

Staff (and their immediate families/partners) who work at Jewish organizations, day schools and congregations, are invited to join JProStL for Share Shabbat, with a choice of hosting or being invited to a colleague’s home on Friday, October 13 or 27 to share a Shabbat meal experience at various homes around the St. Louis community.

Recognizing the importance of Shabbat within Jewish life and the diversity of the professional community, staff who work at Jewish organizations are invited to experience an in-home Shabbat dinner with their colleagues. JProStL Share Shabbat is in partnership with One Table and Moishe House U.City Pod.

The experience is planned for staff of all backgrounds and faiths, with special attention to creating a fit for learning and comfort.  As Cheryl Maayan, the Director of Day School Leadership Training Institute shared: “I have participated as both a host and guest for JProStL Share Shabbat. It’s so nice to spend relaxed time and share a meal with the people who are working for other organizations that make our Jewish community vibrant and strong. When I see them around, I have a stronger connection with them.”

JProStL is for staff who work at least 15 hours/week at Jewish organizations throughout St. Louis. For more information, contact Marci Mayer Eisen at 314-442-3810,





JProStL, an initiative of Jewish Federation of St. Louis, is the local professional association for staff who work throughout the Jewish community, promoting professional development, networking, and the sharing of resources. Programs are supported by Mont & Karen Levy and the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of Jewish Federation of St. Louis. President of JProStL is Rabbi Lori Levine, Vice President is Rachel Andreasson, and Professional Development Chair is Shannon Rohlman.