Create Plans

The following planning and outcome recommendations address gaps identified through needs assessments. Each of these were developed using different methods, often with input from consultants, professional staff and lay leadership. Taken together they inform investments though programs meeting these plans do not guarantee investment.


Expand and strengthen an engaged, vibrant, and flourishing St. Louis Jewish Community

Based on the Teen Engagement Audit, the following is recommended:

  • Employ a model of having a community wide coordinator or central address
  • Create a centralized and shared teen calendar
  • Bring new and creative outreach strategies to St. Louis

Based on two needs assessments around early childhood education and engaging young families, the following is recommended:

  • Increase the number of Jewish children enrolled in Jewish early childhood programs
  • Increase Jewish early childhood staff/teacher qualifications
    • Level of early childhood education knowledge to result in changes in teacher behavior/actions in classrooms
    • Level of Jewish knowledge to result in the ability to deliver in-depth Jewish content
  • Reach new families and/or deepen the engagement of current constituents
  • Expand opportunities for engagement; especially outside the physical space of existing organizations (i.e. in non-Jewish community spaces, parks, libraries, etc.)


Well-being and Safety

Based on the 2018 poverty report, the following is recommended:

  • Improve marketing/communication to increase awareness of and information about services
  • Establish formal networks and collaboration among service providers
  • Create opportunities for clients and staff to provide on-going, confidential feedback on how to improve services

Based on the 2019 safety and security needs assessment and planning report, the following is recommended:

Security of community based organizations
  • Improve physical security applications to continuously maintain best practices
  • New hardware should be compatible with community-wide systems
  • Group purchasing should be considered when feasible for cost efficiencies
Millstone Campus security
  • Implement campus wide patrolling with armed security guards and a vehicle
  • Develop details for implementing a Security Operations Center (SOC) to provide 24/7 surveillance and monitoring
Combating anti-Semitism
  • Strengthen use of community relations best practices
  • Utilize Israel Education activities to explain the relationship between biased attacks against Israel or Jews supporting Israel and anti-Semitism
  • Continue and expand the reach of local programs related to anti-bias training, confronting anti-Semitism, Holocaust education, and intergroup experiences


Young Adult Mental Health Planning Process


Israel and the Global Jewish People

Based on the Israel Education and Engagement needs assessment, the following is recommended:

  • Promote and support more in-depth, ongoing adult learning opportunities related to Israel
  • Promote and support reaching a “younger” adult audience with Israel education programming, particularly to target ages 30-60
  • Expand opportunities for St. Louisans to learn about Israel from visiting Israeli emissaries/Shlichim