After a long day of traveling, it was amazing to see how many of us were not only willing but excited to wake up at 4 am this morning to hike up Masada. With the promise of a beautiful sunrise awaiting, we loaded the bus with our luggage while the moon still shone brightly in the sky.



Once we made our way up the Roman ramp, our amazing guide Maxi regaled us with the story of the rebellion against the Romans that culminated on Masada in 73 CE.


Down the snake path we descended and later in the day headed to the dead sea to get our float on. Even though the water was a bit chilly, everyone got into the spirit, coated themselves in mud, and jumped right in.



Now we are at Ein Gedi Nature Preserve, just in time for Shabbas. And lo and behold, there was some wildlife ready to greet us right outside our rooms.


Shabbat shalom!