JProStl, the association dedicated to supporting professionals working at Jewish organizations in St. Louis, will hold orientation for new staff on Tuesday, October 29 from 8:30 to 1:30 pm at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building.

The annual free orientation is for professionals who have started a job in the St. Louis Jewish community in the past year or two, including those working in Jewish agencies, congregations, organizations and schools. It will give new staff the opportunity to learn about the history, trends, challenges and opportunities facing the Jewish community and share values that inspire their work. The orientation will include both breakfast and lunch.

To RSVP, contact Karen Sher at or  314-442-3824. The JPro new staff chair is Marcia Mermelstein.

All JPro programs are made possible by the generous support of the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. JPro is affiliated with the Millstone Institute.

Sam March
Author: Sam March