Quick note – you can click on the pictures to make them bigger. Click on them a second time and it will zoom in to give you the pics in all their glory!

For much of this trip we have spent our time meeting people, learning about organizations, seeing the sights (as well as eating everything!). It’s truly been an amazing trip so far. But in my opinion, Day 4 was the best because we were doing. The day couldn’t have started off better as we volunteered with Project Leket.

Project Leket harvests surplus crops that farmers would otherwise let rot in the ground and they give the crops to the needy. I know what you’re thinking. Surplus crops? Well sometimes farmers don’t need their entire field and at some point it can cost more to pay workers to harvest the rest of the crops than to just let them sit there. With so much hunger in the world, I had no idea this happens! So we worked the fields picking turnips with local volunteers.

Margo, our fearless leader!

I’d like to say we picked a ton of turnips, but it just wouldn’t be true. We actually picked FOUR TONS of turnips. I think I got my daily serving of vegetables by osmosis.

The entire group of volunteers.

Then we went to an IDF army base for lunch and to check out their training field.

They have a replica of a Lebanese village including underground tunnels. As you can see, Julia happily descended into one of the tunnels. She must have thought she could finally escape my presence down there ;)

Kim decided to climb to the second story and strike a Rocky pose. I can imagine the IDF soldiers doing the same thing :)

Our next stop was to a food pantry making packages for needy families.

In addition to beans, veggies and soup, the gang packed about 1 or 2 hundred thousand apples.

After the food pantry we stopped by an afterschool program for at risk children. We brought them presents which will be given to them on their birthdays.

The school requested we not post photos of the children on the internet, so I’ll show you the Chamsas we made. The kids were awesome!

Our last stop was to a youth community center. Three of the kids played us a song in a really high quality music studio. They were good and the place was packed! Not only are the kids kept off the streets after school, but they get to exerceise, learn valuable skills and even take on leadership opportunities like creating their own radio station.

Well today was just jam packed with opportunities for us to help other people. I had a blast and I know the rest of the group did too. We’re headed to Jerusalem tomorrow where we’ll be spending the rest of our trip.

I know every day I’ve left you with a picture of a beautiful landscape, but I thought I’d change it up a bit. Still beautiful though, so don’t worry.