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Young Israel of St. Louis Presents Dr. Yale Ziegler

Young Israel of St. Louis Presents its Sinai Scholars Program Scholar in Residence

Dr. Yale Ziegler



Saturday, January 27, 2018
Presentation following services

11:00 am  Pharoahs and Kings: The Glory of Ancient Egypt and Israel’s National Aspirations
5:00 pm  Eliyahu the Prosecutor and Eliyahu the Advocate: Biblical and Rabbinic Portraits of Eliyahu
8:00 pm  Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy

All events will take place at Young Israel of St. Louis (8101 Delmar Blvd.).

About the Speaker
Yael Ziegler, Ph.D., is a regular lecturer in Bible at Herzog Academic College, Matan Jerusalem, as well as Migdal Oz and Midreshet Moriah. She received her B.A. from Stern College, as well as an M.A. and Ph.D. in Bible at Bar Ilan University. Dr. Ziegler is a highly sought-after lecturer, both in Israel and throughout the Diaspora, on various Tanakh related topics. She is the author of Promises to Keep: The Oath in Biblical Narrative and Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy (Maggid Press, 2015).

For additional information, call 314-727-1880, email info@youngisrael-stl.org or visit youngisrael-stl.org.

Sponsored by Young Israel of St. Louis. Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series is generously funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation, a Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and Hank Webber and Chris Jacobs. 

Sh’ma: Listen! Advisory Committee Chair
Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman

Rabbi Tracy Nathan, Senior Educator, Center for Jewish Learning
Cyndee Levy, Director, Center for Jewish Learning

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Gerald P. Greiman, Board Chair
Andrew Rehfeld, President & CEO





October 5, 2024
2:00 pm

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