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Science & Judaism Shabbaton: Medical Science and Halachic/Ethical Implications

Speakers: Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham, Dr. Gregory Storch, Maharat Rori Picker Neiss and Rabbi Ben Greenfield

November 18, 2017
Bais Abraham Congregation
6910 Delmar Blvd., 63130

9:00 am Shabbat services with presentation during services by visiting Scholar-in-Residence, Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham.
11:30 am Session 1: Infectious Diseases and Ethical Dilemmas, with Dr. Gregory Storch and Maharat Rori Picker Neiss.
PJ Library activities for children.
12:20 pm Community Lunch
12:50 pm Session 2: Surrogacy – The Complexity of Determining the Halachic Mother, with Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham and Rabbi Ben Greenfield.
Babysitting available for children during breakout sessions.
4:15 pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit.|
4:45 pm In Our Own Image – Cloning and Jewish Law, with Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham.

No RSVP required for any of the programs or lunch. Sponsored by Bais Abraham Congregation.

About Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham

Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham feels blessed to have the privilege of living her two callings as both a doctor and a member of the Orthodox clergy. Rabba Carmella’s passion for teaching Torah and Talmud has been reflected in her teaching in both formal and informal settings ranging from the Drisha Community Beit Midrash and JOFA conferences to Jewish community centers and college Hillels. She developed and co-taught the Women’s Health and Niddah curriculum at Yeshivat Maharat utilizing her clinical medical experience.

While at Yeshivat Maharat, Rabba Carmella interned at the Hillels of Westchester, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital Chaplaincy Program and served as a Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Created Equal Seminar Fellowship.

Rabba Carmella cofounded and serves as Gaba’it of Shira Chadasha of White Plains and has served as Gaba’it of the Women’s Tefilla of  the Hebrew Institute of White Plains. She tutors B’not Mitzvah, and assists families in planning meaningful s’machot.

Rabba Carmella earned her bachelor’s degree from Barnard College and her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She practiced at the Women’s Health Program, where she held a dual appointment in Internal Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology. She currently works in Oncology Medical Affairs for pharma. Rabba Carmella is married to physician Dr. Steven Kubersky and has three children.

Rabbi Carmella serves as Community Educator at Hillels of Westchester, and continues to engage community adults and publish teshuvot on medicine and halakha.


February 10, 2025
11:24 am

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