The Bible Players Present: “The Quest For MenschHood!”

Thursday, May 4, 2017
5:00-6:30 pm
To Have Fun Pavilion
North Parking Lot of The J
2 Millstone Campus Drive
Join The Bible Players for a hilarious interactive Torah Comedy Show. Featuring stand-up comedy, stories, improv games and much more! The Bible Players have been improv-ing Jewish lives, performing in 26 states for thousands of adults and children alike. Andrew Davies is a master improviser who will engage the whole family in some hilarious Jewish learning. Aaron Friedman is a stand-up comedian who was voted “The Funniest Jew in New York!” Don’t miss this show that will have you laughing your tuchus off!
Bring a picnic dinner and come enjoy the show. The ice cream truck will arrive at 6:30 pm to cap off the event. For more information, contact Jennifer Baer Lotsoff at 314-442-3867.
Jennifer Baer Lotsoff, PJ Library Coordinator
Cyndee Levy, Director, Center for Jewish Learning
Brodsky Commission Chair
Ronnie Brockman
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Harvey N. Wallace, Board Chair
Andrew Rehfeld, President & CEO