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JProStL Summer Conversations With Colleagues

Date & Time:
July 11 – August 14, 2024

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
12 Millstone Campus Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146

Summer Conversation With Colleagues

The JProStL Summer Conversations with Colleagues series features weekly lunch & learn programming from July 11 to August 14. Join us for informal conversations structured to educate, share insights, and provide support to all staff working in the St. Louis Jewish community. Bring your lunch – we’ll provide beverages and snacks.

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Using Data to Tell Your Organization’s Story
With Tanya Spivey and Andy Tevlin
Thursday, July 11, 12:00-1:15 pm
Explore how to unlock the power of data to harness information in order to create compelling narratives. This session will provide you with practical tools to turn raw data into strategic stories to influence and inform stakeholders at every level. Tanya Spivey is the Web and CRM Database Manager at Congregation B’nai Amoona and Andy Tevlin is Organizational Development Strategist at Jewish Federation.

Maximizing the Lay Staff Relationships
With Nikki Goldstein, in conversation with Scott Berzon
Wednesday, July 17, 12:00-1:15 pm
How can staff best work with board and committee members at all levels of the organization to enhance the effectiveness and impact of your organization, while also ensuring that the workload remains manageable and enjoyable for everyone involved. This conversation will explore best practices for clear roles and expectations, empowerment and ownership, recognition and appreciation and processes for strong communication. Nikki is currently a Nonprofit Consultant with The Rome Group after 40+ successful years as a professional in the Jewish community, first with teens and older adults at The J, as Director of Operations at Jewish Federation and most recently, for 24 years as Executive Director of Crown Center for Senior Living. Scott is currently Director of Community Impact at the Jewish Federation, and previously worked with lay leaders as Director of the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival, Executive Director of the St. Louis Jewish Light and Director of Business Operations of Congregation Shaare Emeth.

Growing your career through Fundraising skills
With Larry Gast and Julie Gibbs
Thursday, July 25, 12:00-1:15 pm
Whether development is your full-time job or part-time portfolio, fundraising is an increasingly important skill to grow your career and impact. Larry and Julie will provide ways to build your competence and confidence in the development space. Larry is VP of Development for Jewish Federation and previously was the VP of Development for Moishe House and Director of Communications for JDC Entwine. Julie is Chief Philanthropy Office for The J, building on a career as VP and Chief Philanthropy Officer at The St. Louis Symphony and VP of Development at Jewish Federation.

Antisemitism and the Recent Realities on College Campuses
With Jackie Levey (WashU Hillel CEO), Rabbi Hershey Novack (Director & Rabbi at Chabad on Campus), Jordan Kadosh (ADL Regional Director), and Nancy Lisker (AJC Regional Director)
Wednesday, July 31, 12:00-1:30 pm

Since October 7th, concerns and fears have escalated due to international demonstrations against Israel. This trend has been particularly pronounced on college campuses, including Washington University. Amidst these challenges, the staff at Hillel and Chabad remain committed to engaging students in Jewish learning, nurturing their Jewish identities, and fostering leadership development. As we navigate the current realities and anticipate the challenges ahead, we will delve into these issues with Jordan, Jackie, Rabbi Novack, and Nancy.

Leadership in the Workplace
With Rachel Wallis Andreasson
Monday August 5,12:00-1:15 pm
Co-Author of the recently published The Sixth Level, Rachel is completing 6+ years as Executive Director of Temple Israel and this past year was vice president of JProStL. Rachel previously was an executive with Wallis Companies, her family business, and continues to be on the Board and a shareholder. Rachel earned an MBA from Washington University Olin School of Business. Based on women’s social-psychological principles, Sixth Level Leadership develops human connection in organizations to achieve productive teams and sustained growth.

Workplace Wellness
With Erin May and Dodi Smason
Wednesday, August 14. 12:00-1:30 pm
Learn ways to increase your wellbeing at work and create a personalized wellness vision and plan to feel your best while serving your organization and the Jewish community. Erin is the Director of Communications at Temple Israel and is a Master Certified Health Coach. Dodi is Jewish Engagement Coordinator at Jewish Federation and has a M.S. in nutrition. Both Erin and Dodi are certified yoga instructors.


2024-2025 Board
President, Rabbi Lori Levine (Shaare Emeth)
Vice Presidents, Shannon Rohlman (Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School) and Rebekah Scallet (The J)
Past President, Sarah Levinson (JFS)

Committee Chairs
Professional Development, Scott Berzon (Jewish Federation)
Special Events, Tanya Spivey (Congregation B’nai Amoona)
New Staff, Susan Kemppainen (Covenant Place)

Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum (EMBY)
Melissa Katz (JFS)
Lauren Lourie (United Hebrew Congregation)
Jordan Palmer (St. Louis Jewish Light)
Elyse Picker (JCRC)
Rabbi Andrew Terkel (Be The Narrative)
Helen Turner (St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum)

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Galia Movitz & Janie Roodman Weiss, 2024 Annual Campaign Co-Chairs
Toby Warticovschi, Vice Chair Development
Bob Newmark, Board Chair
Brian Herstig, President & CEO


JProStL programs are supported by Mont & Karen Levy and the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of Jewish Federation of St. Louis.


August 14, 2024
12:00 am - 11:59 pm

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