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JProStl Share Shabbat Events

JProStl invites you to

Share Shabbat

Friday, May 17

At various homes around the community

Register Today!

Recognizing the importance of Shabbat within Jewish life and the diversity of the professional community, staff are invited to experience an in-home Shabbat dinner with their colleagues.

The experience is planned for staff of all backgrounds and faiths, with special attention to creating a fit for learning and comfort.

As Cheryl Maayan, Director of Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School, explains, “I have participated as both a host and guest for JPro Share Shabbat. It’s so nice to spend relaxed time and share a meal with the people who are working for other organizations that make our Jewish community vibrant and strong. When I see them around, I have a stronger connection with them.”

For more information, contact Marci Mayer Eisen at 314-442-3810, MEisen@JFedSTL.org.

JProStl Leadership
Randi Schenberg, President
Scott Berzon & Erin Schreiber, Vice Presidents
Sam Zitin, Jewish Education Chair, 2018-19
Rabbi Daniel Bogard, Jewish Education Chair, 2019-20

Marci Mayer Eisen, Director, Millstone Institute and JProStl
Karen Sher, Senior Director, Community Engagement

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Gerry Greiman, Board Chair
Don Hannon, Chief Operating Officer




May 17, 2019
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

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