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JProStL New(er) Staff Orientation

Have you started working in the St. Louis Jewish community in the last year or two? Join JProStL for New(er) Staff Orientation to build your professional network, share values that guide your work, learn about St. Louis Jewish community history and to hear about trends and opportunities that impact our community organizations. Includes lunch, snacks, and beverages.

For more information, contact Marci Mayer Eisen at 314-442-3810 or MEisen@JFedStL.org.


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2024-2025 Board
President, Rabbi Lori Levine (Shaare Emeth)
Vice Presidents, Shannon Rohlman (Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School) and Rebekah Scallet (The J)
Past President, Sarah Levinson (JFS)

Committee Chairs
Professional Development, Scott Berzon (Jewish Federation)
Special Events, Tanya Spivey (Congregation B’nai Amoona)
New Staff, Susan Kemppainen (Covenant Place)

Stephanie Briggs (LEADSTL)
Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum (EMBY)
Melissa Katz (JFS)
Lauren Lourie (United Hebrew Congregation)
Jordan Palmer (St. Louis Jewish Light)
Elyse Picker (JCRC)
Rabbi Andrew Terkel (Be The Narrative)
Helen Turner (St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum)

Marci Mayer Eisen, Director, Millstone Leadership Initiatives/JPro

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Galia Movitz & Janie Roodman Weiss, 2024 Annual Campaign Co-Chairs
Toby Warticovschi, Vice Chair Development
Bob Newmark, Board Chair


The JPro logo - a rainbow gradient circle with "JPro" written in the middle.  Jewish Federation of St. Louis logo


JProStL programs are supported by Mont & Karen Levy and the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of Jewish Federation of St. Louis.


September 12
8:30 am - 1:30 pm

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