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JProStL Giving Voice to Your Story

Giving Voice to Your Story, a JProStL workshop for staff who work throughout the St. Louis Jewish community will take place at the Kaplan Feldman Complex on Tuesday, August 29 from 9:00 – 10:30 am. Reception opens at 8:30 am with the workshop from 9:00 – 10:30 am.

Participants will learn new skills and increase confidence to communicate their message effectively through the power of storytelling. Steven Harowitz is the Founder and Executive Director of Campfire and recognized for his engaging and effective group facilitation and training skills. After completing his master’s degree in education, Steven pursued a career in higher education and student development. He focused on marketing and communications, leadership development, and major event planning, building the Angel and Paul Harvey Media Center at Washington University in St. Louis.

For information, contact Marci Mayer Eisen, MEisen@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3810




JProStL Leadership
Rabbi Lori Levine, President
Rachel Andreasson, Vice President
Shannon Rohlman, Professional Development Chair

Marci Mayer Eisen, Director, Millstone Leadership Initiatives/JPro
Devorah Stein, Resource Assistant

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Bob Newmark, Board Chair
Brian Herstig, President & CEO


JProStL, an initiative of Jewish Federation of St. Louis, provides professional development, networking, and the sharing of resources for staff who work at 50 organizations throughout the St. Louis Jewish community and supported by Mont & Karen Levy, the Barry Rosenberg Fund for Professional Excellence, and the Lubin-Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. JProStL President is Rabbi Lori Levine, Vice President is Rachel Andreasson, and Professional Development Chair is Shannon Rohlman.



August 29, 2023
8:30 am - 10:30 am

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