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Israel’s Jewish and Arab Future Together: Visions of a Shared Society

With Mohammad Darawshe of the Givat Haviva Institute and Dr. Ayala Hendin

During our Kabbalat Shabbat worship service, Mohammad Darawshe, Director of the Center for Equality and Shared Society at Givat Haviva Institute in Israel, will speak on “Beyond the Conflict: An Arab Israeli’s Vision for the Future.”

Following the service, you are invited to join us for a Shabbat Dinner and dialogue between Mohammad Darawshe and Dr. Ayala Hendin. Our distinguished speakers will discuss different models for a shared Jewish-Arab society in Israel, particularly in light of the current war and at the end of election week during a very divisive year. Mr. Darawshe and Dr. Hendin will conclude by imagining hope for Jewish-Arab relations in Israel.


November 8
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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