Israel Shabbat with Deutsch Scholars-in-Residence
This Shabbat evening kicks off a weekend of Israel learning and connection with Deutsch Scholars-in-Residence Dr. Tomer Persico and Yael Yechieli. Our Scholars will spend the weekend with us, inspiring us and teaching about the present and the future of Liberalism, Feminism, and Jewish Spirituality in Israel.
The first of four opportunities to engage with our Scholars-in-Residence features our Kabbalat Shabbat Service, during which Dr. Tomer Persico will offer a brief d’var torah/talk on Religion and State in Israel: The End of the Status Quo. Following the service, join Dr. Persico for a Shabbat dinner and program: The Crisis of Liberalism in Israel and the United States.
Reservations for dinner will be required; stay tuned for the link to sign up.