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Israel @ 75 Series with Dr. Ayala Hendin

Demographic, cultural, and political changes are reshaping Israeli society. In Israel’s 75th year, a judiciary reform for some is a coup d’etat for others. An agreed upon vision and plan for the next 25 years, seems harder than ever.

Is the “Jewish and democratic” notion of the declaration of independence still a useful value compass? Is partnership between the “four tribes” coined by Israel’s tenth President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin still an operable vision? What are other iconic texts from Israel’s first 75 years that can help us articulate our thoughts and our role in Israel in the coming years?

This and more in a two-part series with Dr. Ayala Hendin, an Israeli policy and society scholar, practitioner, and activist, currently serving as the Israel institute fellow at Washington University in St. Louis.


For more information, contact Karen Rader at krader@jfedstl.org. Registration is free, and all sessions take place at Federation from 7-8:30pm.

  • May 15 | A Jewish and democratic state in the declaration of independence
  • May 22 | Partnership: A vision or a dream?


Israel @ 75 Series with Dr. Ayala Hendin Registration

Thank you for your interest. Registration is now closed. For more information, contact Karen Rader at krader@jfedstl.org.


May 15, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
May 22, 2023 @ 8:30 pm

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