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Cultivating Kindness: A Mussar Approach to Becoming a Person of Chesed

Sunday, May 6 | 7:00 pm


Traditional Congregation
12437 Ladue Rd., 63141


Chesed (loving/kindness) is a fundamental Jewish principle, maybe THE fundamental principle, that we are here on earth to be kind to each other. “The world is built on kindness” says the Psalm. “Love your neighbor as yourself” says the Torah. Focusing on kindness gives us a positive way to respond to this world of ours, which is often not a very kind place, and to our leaders who don’t seem to be making it any kinder. How can one become kinder? What’s the path to becoming more sensitive and caring with regard to the needs of others? This is a question the Mussar masters have been addressing for over 1,000 years. Their teachings and practices provide us with effective tools to transform the heart toward becoming a person of Chesed.

Alan Morinis is the Founder and Dean of The Mussar Institute and an active interpreter of the teachings and practices of the Mussar tradition, about which he regularly gives lectures and workshops. For the past 16 years, the nearly-lost Jewish spiritual discipline of Mussar has been his passion. He is the author of several books, including his personal journey recorded in the book Climbing Jacob’s Ladder, his guide to Mussar practice, Everyday Holiness: The Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar, and his newest book on Mussar, With Heart in Mind.


For more information contact Cyndee Levy at 314-442-3754 or CLevy@JFedSTL.org. RSVP to Shirley Wise at 314-442-3765 or SWise@JFedSTL.org.

Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Learning. Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series is generously funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation, a Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and Hank Webber and Chris Jacobs.

Sh’ma: Listen! Advisory Committee Chair
Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman

Rabbi Tracy Nathan, Senior Educator, Center for Jewish Learning
Cyndee Levy, Director, Center for Jewish Learning

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Gerald P. Greiman, Board Chair
Andrew Rehfeld, President & CEO



January 14, 2025
3:46 am

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