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Coach Bus Trip to Edwardsville, IL

Travel to charming Edwardsville, the third oldest city in the state of Illinois, in style and comfort. A “step on guide” will be available throughout the day as we tour and learn of several historically significant sites, including The Wildey Theatre, 1820 Colonel Benjamin Stephenson House, and The Historic Cooperative Village of LeClaire. Plus, enjoy a delicious Italian lunch at local favorite, Bella Milanos Restaurant. Cost per person: $60 (NORC members) and $65 (non-members) RSVP with payment due to Laura (442-3255) by April 5. Note: Arrive at 8:15 am. Bus promptly departs JCC NORTH Parking LOT at 8:30 am. Trip involves walking, standing, steps and exiting bus numerous times – full mobility is required for this excursion.


January 14, 2025
4:01 am

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