During this time of need, the world keeps going on. Sadly, many people in our community continue to be affected by illness and need our help. Please see the list below of some of the places you can donate blood or check for transplant information if you hear a friend is in need.



The American Red Cross
Schedule your next blood, platelet, or AB Elite plasma donation today and help during an urgent need for blood by visiting redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive.

Mercy COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Program
If you have recovered from COVID-19 and would like to be a plasma donor, you’ll need to:

  • Have a positive PCR COVID-19 test.
  • Be at least 28 days symptom-free Contact MercyResearchinfo@Mercy.net or learn more about Mercy’s COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Program.



Barnes-Jewish Transplant Center
The need for kidneys and other organs doesn’t recede because of COVID. If you are considering being a donor, please call the transplant center at The Center for Advanced Medicine at 314-362-5365, ext. 4 or visit barnesjewish.org/Medical-Services/Transplant/Kidney-Transplant.

Mid-America Transplant
Too many hospitals offer transplant services to list them all here, but Mid-America Transplant works with 120 hospitals in the region to ensure that every family that wants to donate a loved one’s organs and tissues has the opportunity to do so. Find out more at midamericatransplant.org.


Sam March
Author: Sam March