I had a busy week this week!

I participated in the NFTY convention at Shaare Emeth this past weekend, I got to meet super friendly and fun teens from all over Missouri Valley and hung out with the Shinshinim from Denver and of course with Guy.

I also had Sunday school at Shaare Emeth and we talked about Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin who was assassinated 24 years ago, we spoke about his legacy, the man he was and the importance of collaboration even though we have different opinions and beliefs.

On Tuesday I went to the ECC at Shaare Emeth and we talked about feelings and learned how to say happy in Hebrew (“Sameach”) and sad (“Atzuv”). The kids had so much fun and so did I!

On Wednesday I had the Religious School at Kol Rinah and we also talked about prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.

On Thursday I went to the ECC at Kol Rinah, we had so much fun learning about how to say Sameach and Atzuv and I also made my second bulletin board about colors in Hebrew inspired by Noah’s ark.

This weekend I am going to a Retreat with the 6th graders from Shaare Emeth!

Wish you all a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom!



Sam March
Author: Sam March