Shalom everyone!
On Sunday morning I came back from Indiana from a vacation with my host family. I spent my time there on the weekend, it was really fun!
Monday is my free day so I chose to stay at home and to take a rest for a little bit ;)
On Tuesday morning I had ECC programs in Bnai Amoona! I did the ‘The Journey to Israel’ program. The children made passports and airplanes for our flight to Israel! (This activity is one of a few). We had so much fun and the kids really liked it.
On the same day I had religious school which was so fun! I taught the children Hebrew, we were reading blessings from the Torah, and the kids really improved from the last time we did it ;)
Afterwards, I went with the 6th graders to a drama class, we were acting scenes from the Bible and it was really funny. That evening I went with my host family to celebrate my host mom’s birthday in a restaurant, it was delicious!
On Wednesday night I had a USY meeting. We had a program about our senses, we split into partners and tried to guess the sound and the taste of the food we got. It was funny!
On Thursday morning I had ECC program at United Hebrew. I already did the ‘Journey to Israel’ in UH last week so I started the next program! We had a program about Tel Aviv! I taught the children about the “Shuk” (market) in Tel Aviv, we learned a Hebrew song about it.
In addition, we have a big beach in Tel Aviv so I taught the kids about the beach and we played a game which calls Sea – Land. I think the kids liked it!