Women’s Auxiliary Foundation for Jewish Aged, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, is focused on providing financial support for programs and organizations that ensure the dignity and honor of Jewish elderly in St. Louis. Applications for their fourth funding cycle are being accepted February 12 through March 22, 2018.

St. Louis area 501(c)3 organizations with a mission and priority of Jewish elderly in the community at-large are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted from a professional employed by a St. Louis non-profit working in conjunction with the Jewish community. To fill out the application, visit JFedSTL.org/About-Us/Womens-Auxiliary-Foundation.

Women’s Auxiliary Foundation for Jewish Aged is focused on providing financial support for programs and organizations that ensure the dignity and honor of the Jewish elderly in the community at large. Women’s Auxiliary Foundation has a rich history in the St. Louis Jewish community and has evolved to become a significant source of support for the Jewish aged. After much consideration, Jewish Federation of St. Louis and Women’s Auxiliary Foundation created a partnership to leverage the expertise, resources and leadership of both organizations to best meet the needs of the Jewish elderly community in St. Louis. Susie Harris is the President of the Women’s Auxiliary Foundation for Jewish Aged.

To learn more, visit JFedSTL.org/About-Us/Womens-Auxiliary-Foundation or contact Mindee Fredman at MFredman@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3734.

Sam March
Author: Sam March