If you’d like to further your Jewish education, or begin it, you can do so at the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Through the Center for Jewish Learning (CJL), we offer a wide selection of courses, nearly all without prerequisites, for adults with varied interests and backgrounds. All are taught by experienced teachers who welcome and value every Jewish learner. Whether you’re a newcomer to adult Jewish study, a seasoned veteran, or someone in-between, you’re certain to find a course that suits your needs and your interests – and in which you feel “at home.” Course topics include Jewish Current Events, Hebrew Language, History & Heritage, Judaic Literature, Judaic Studies, Judaic Spiritual Practice and more.

Here is a sampling of courses being offered in the topics of Judaic Studies and Spiritual Practice:

  1. Examining Jewish Values
    Instructor: Rabbi Seth Gordon
    Day and time: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am, 11/1
    Number of classes: 6
    Tuition: $60
    Description: This course will creatively explore Jewish Values in a deep and nuanced way, delving into a variety of sources from our tradition as we search for personal relevancy.
  1. Kabbalah for Spiritual Seekers
    Instructor: Rabbi Neal Rose
    Day and time: Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm
    Unit 1: 11/7 (6 classes) Unit 2: 1/9 (6 classes) Unit 3: 2/27 (6 classes)
    Tuition: $90 per unit
    Description: Throughout the course, the participants will be introduced to some of the major ideas and meditative practices of several important teachers of Jewish mysticism and spirituality.
    Unit 1: Death, Afterlife and Reincarnation
    Unit 1: Mystical Aspects of Passover
    Unit 3: Angels and Demons
  1. Reading the Hebrew Bible with Modern Eyes
    Instructor: Sheldon Enger
    Day and time: Mondays, 9:30-11:00 am
    Unit 1: 10/31 (8 classes) Unit 2: 2/6 (8 classes)
    Tuition: $120 per unit
    Description: Scholars engaging in Biblical research throughout the past 100 years have revolutionized the understanding of biblical chapter and verse; offering radical challenges to interpretation of the text and often undermining assumptions that have prevailed for centuries.
  1. The Other Side of Jewish Lifecycle: End of Life Issues and Compassionate Care
    Instructor: Rabbi Shulamit Cenker
    Day and time: Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
    Unit 1: 11/8 (6 classes) Unit 2: 1/24 (4 classes) Unit 3: 3/7 (4 classes)
    Tuition: $90 for Unit 1. $60 for Units 2 and 3.
    Description: This course will seek to demystify Jewish traditions, customs and rituals around death. Exploring support for the dying, care for the body of the deceased and arranging for burial, and offering comfort and care for the mourners.

For additional information and a full list of courses, visit JFedSTL.org/Adult-Education-Classes. Or contact Cyndee Levy, Director of the Center for Jewish Learning at CLevy@JFedSTL.org, 314-442-3754.

Sam March
Author: Sam March