Hand in Hand is a unique educational model in Israel that is leading the way for the successful integration of Jewish and Arab students in shared communities. The program helps to inspire social inclusion and civic equality in Israel by bringing together Jewish and Arab students for a shared learning experience. These kids do not know the fear and prejudice of their parents or grandparents that has torn Israel apart. Instead, by sharing one school and one community, they are taught the power of trust, equality and diversity. While there is tension and conflict in Israel, Hand in Hand provides hope that the next generation will grow up in a world that celebrates differences and joins together for the betterment of all. To learn more about this innovative program, visit www.handinhandk12.org
Jewish Federation of St. Louis provided Hand in Hand with a first time grant this year and received this exciting update from the program:
The Max Rayne Hand in Hand school and community was invited to paint new year’s greetings in Hebrew, Arabic & English in a huge wall mural at Jerusalem’s First Station, one of the city’s trendiest new places to hang out, for all Jerusalemites to see.
May this year bring peace and blessings to us all!