On an especially hot day a few weeks ago, Mrs. M, an 83 year old Food Pantry client confided to staff that she had no air conditioning.  They noted that she looked frail and immediately wanted to help.  The first call was to Lori Zimmerman in ElderLink.  Lori contacted the client and learned that she had not had central air conditioning for more than 20 years.  Her window unit was also not working.  She also learned that her fan was broken.  It was a sweltering St. Louis summer day.  Lori personally purchased the fan after obtaining funding through one of our financial assistance funds (through Jewish Federation’s Jossem Fund) and delivered it to the client’s home on her way home from work.  In the course of her meeting with this client, Lori learned that the client did not want an air conditioner because she was fearful it would leak and do damage to her home.  She also learned that she was estranged from her family and, although very observant, was disconnected from the Jewish community.  Lori referred the client to the JF&CS chaplain, Rabbi Buck-Yael, who made a home visit (chaplaincy program visits to community settings funded by a Jewish Federation of St. Louis strategic program grant).  In addition, she researched and located a source for a window unit air conditioner.  Both Lori and food pantry staff maintained contact with this client.  Thanks to their follow up and outreach, this client now has a working window unit and has connected with the community chaplaincy program.  She continues to utilize the Food Pantry.