Jewish Federation of St. Louis is pleased to announce the winners of several awards to be presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting on Monday, September 22. Winners of the Fred A. Goldstein Award for Professional Leadership and David N. and Roselin Grosberg Young Leadership Awards will be presented. Additionally, the inaugural RubinBrown Corporate Leadership Award will be presented.

Karen Aroesty, regional director of the MO/So. IL Anti-Defamation League is the winner of the Fred A. Goldstein Award for Professional Leadership, which recognizes an outstanding professional among those who work in a St. Louis Jewish organization. The award, which has been given annually since 1965, honors individuals who excel in their field, have a significant track record over time, have introduced important innovations, and are perceived as role models by other professionals and volunteers.

Amy Bender-Levy and Matthew Litwack have been named winners of the David N. and Roselin Grosberg Young Leadership Award, which recognizes volunteer leaders in the Jewish community who are 40 years and younger and demonstrate active Jewish Federation leadership.

These individuals were selected from a diverse pool of nominees, all of whom were well deserving of recognition for their accomplishments. The awarding committee, made up of community and professional leadership, praise Karen, Amy and Matt for their distinctive contributions to our community.

New this year, the RubinBrown Corporate Leadership Award will be given to a company that exemplifies philanthropic leadership in our community. The recipient of this award demonstrates a commitment and dedication to philanthropy that enhances our community in a meaningful way. The 2014 recipient of the RubinBrown Corporate Leadership Award is U.S. Bank. U.S Bank has been a significant supporter of Federation since 1983. Their long-term commitment to giving as well as the precedent for corporate sponsorship of Federation makes them an important recipient of the first RubinBrown Corporate Leadership Award.

The Annual Meeting will take place at the Jewish Community Center’s Arts & Education Building, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served at 6:00 pm in advance of the 7:00 pm meeting, which will inform the community about Federation’s work this past year and include an election of officers, at-large directors and trustees. The attendance cost is $18 per person; all are welcome. Please RSVP by September 17 at or contact Amy Pakett at 314-442-3840,