The Young Professionals Division (YPD) of Jewish Federation of St. Louis has put together Team Jews Run the Lou in preparation for the JCC Annual Labor Day 5k on Monday, September 1. Runners and walkers are invited to sign up with YPD for a discounted rate of $10. Registration includes complimentary massages and stretching assistance, snacks and beverages at the finish line, commemorative performance shirt and a day pass to the J.
Participants have an opportunity to raise money on behalf of the YPD team. Funds raised will support Jewish Federation of St. Louis, which works to preserve and enhance Jewish life in St. Louis, Israel and around the world. Please register for the YPD team by August 14 at For more information, contact Lee’at Bachar at 314-442-3817 or
YPD is for post-college Jewish men and women in their 20s and 30s. YPD works to make and strengthen Jewish connections and create opportunities for young Jews to become involved in the Jewish community and Jewish Federation.