You have the power to make a difference in this world.

$24 can clean 88-year-old Ruth’s apartment at Covenant House so she can remain at home while recovering from an injury.

$50 can feed the family of St. Louisan Marjorie, who lost her job.

$160 can heat Mario’s home in Bulgaria so he can survive the winter.

$500 can help Rachel develop leadership skills through the six-month Millstone LENS program.

$1500 can provide medication and home care needs for Irinia, a senior in the former Soviet Union.

Working together, you and Jewish Federation of St. Louis can do all these things and more. When you connect with Federation, you put the Jewish values of compassion, generosity and responsibility into action. Every day, together, we improve the lives of people in St. Louis, in Israel and around the world.

Federation is a powerful engine for propelling the community’s dollars, decisively, effectively and efficiently. Every day, our worldwide network of agencies does good work on your behalf—meeting the global needs of our people, strengthening Jewish unity and identity.

When you make a generous gift to Federation, you are reaching so many people in so many places in so many ways.

So, whose life are you going to change?

Sam March
Author: Sam March