Well we’re back in St. Louis! 36 hours after leaving Tel Aviv our wild journey has finally come to an end. That doesn’t mean this blog is over though! I’ve still got to catch you up on our final day and our wild travels. So let’s get to it!
We had Monday night off in Jerusalem, but that doesn’t mean Julia took a break!
I was away from the group visiting my wife’s family, but the rest of the group told me that this schwarma place was to die for. Luckily it didn’t come to that.
We started off our last day by expressing our trip through art. It was definitely the most artistic thing I’ve done since drawing a chair in 6th grade art class. I got a D in that class. I think I did slightly better here ;)
And here’s the final results!
As we left we saw this guy spray painting his van. Slightly more artistic than my construction paper stick figures.
Our farewell dinner was at this fantastic restaurant. Why was it so good? One word. GNOMES.
We’ve talked a lot about the food on this trip, but I just realized I haven’t shown you much of it. Well feast your eyes on this. A large pizza? HA! How about some sort of eggplant parmesan. This would be enough to feed 3-5 hundred people, but they plopped two of these puppies on our table. And it was about 1 of 10 appetizers. Craziness.
Our last group dinner picture :(
Ok my faithful followers. Stay tuned for a trip wrap-up post with bonus material and a final lastng impressions post from the other group members.