Two years ago, Emily, 34, was laid-off from her high-paying health care job. At the same time, her husband was fired. Severely depressed, he walked out on Emily and their two kids. Soon after, Emily lost her house in Chesterfield and couldn’t afford to feed the kids. She panicked until mustering the courage to call the Jewish community for help. A Jewish Family & Children’s Service caseworker placed Emily and the kids in individual and family counseling – which costs $110 for a 60-minute session with a therapist — and sent them to the Food Pantry where they received a half-month’s worth of food. In years past, this was a family who donated to the Food Pantry, never dreaming they’d be on the receiving end. But with help from our community, Emily is back on her feet. She found a a good job in the health care field and is able now to support her family.