Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federation is hosting its fourth Annual Shower on Tuesday, May 1, 7 p.m., at Covenant House/CHAI, 10 Millstone Campus Drive. Participants will pack welcome and welcome back bags for the residents of Covenant/CHAI. Joan Denison, Executive Director of Covenant/CHAI, Community Aging Corporation and Community Housing Management Corporation, will speak about the benefits of the many high-quality programs and services the Jewish community offers its seniors. Also speaking will be Emily Stein MacDonald, Women’s Philanthropy lay leader.

Admission is $10 and guests are asked to donate a list of regular-size personal care items: shampoo, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, hand lotion, lip balm, kosher hard candy, small boxes of kosher chocolate, tea bags, large print game books and $5 gift cards to Schnucks.

Dessert will be served. (Dietary laws observed.) The leadership spearheading this effort includes: Kim Goldenberg, Lisa Pollack and Emily Stein MacDonald, Event Chairs; Stephanie Ludmer Gross and Sarah Wallis, Community Engagement Vice Chairs. Susan Bosse and Heidi Silberman are Women’s Philanthropy Co-Chairs.

The Committee includes: Stacy Abeles, Tracie Baum, Amy Bender-Levy, Jodi Blucher, Marianne Chervitz, Dorit Daphna-Iken, Bonnie Davis, Juli-Ann Felsher, Julie Flom, Megan Flom, Dani Glassman, Lanie Goldenberg, Kim Heligman, Susie Horowitz, Mindy Horwitz, Felice Taub Joyce, Jodi Kaplan, Kim Lieberman, Gabriella Longman, Bonnie Myers, Lisa Nixon, Sarah Oberman, Michelle Rubin, Julie Sandler, Jennifer Scissors, Sherry Shuman, Barbara Smith, Amy Snitzer, Amy Stone, Lisa Suffian, Gaby Tullman, Emily Wallis, Rita Worth, Judy Zafft.

For those who cannot attend the Shower but would like to donate items, drop them off at the Kopolow Building with Lynn Harris Gossen’s name on the bag.

Register by April 27. Mail a check to Jewish Federation of St. Louis, Women’s Philanthropy, 12 Millstone Campus Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.

For more information, Call Lynn Harris Gossen @ 314-442-3729 or lgossen@jfedstl.org.

Jewish Federation is the central planning and resource development organization for the St. Louis Jewish community. Federation works to build and support a thriving Jewish community – through a network of 60 agencies, programs and services in St. Louis, Israel and around the world.

Sam March
Author: Sam March