The Rubinites toured one of the largest Electric Car companies in the world today in Israel. Just outside Tel Aviv is “Better Place Electric Cars.” This company is a new start-up with the help of several global partnerships.

Their goal is simple – “Make the Switch”

They are trying to make us rethink how we travel on a daily basis. The company is trying to redefine what it means to drive a vehicle and the impact is has on our future generations. Juxtapose this tour and mission with our tour yesterday of Old Tel Aviv, it seems clear Israel is always thinking about it’s future generations. The fact that the state of Israel is existing is itself a testimony to the generations dating back over 100 years ago. These leaders of Israel then saw the needed purpose to develop important structures and services that would last the test of time. Most of what was put in place from 1890 to 1910 is what makes Israel so unique today. Those 60 families saw the vision of Israel’s future to pool their money and build a “modern” city for it’s time, Tel Aviv. This is what Better Place is attempting to discover, something powerful for the next generation.

Will we all finally get off the dependencies of oil?

Will we all say no to the funding of hostile foreign countries?

Will we all stop destroying our planet?

I am not sure our group has all the answers nor does Better Place; however, what our group does know is that something must be done today to improve the situation. Something must be done to begin the long process ahead at redefining what Green energy means.