Second Night Seder for Adults

Second Night Seder for Adults
Though Passover is often thought of as a holiday celebrated at home rather than synagogue, there are many of us who may appreciate the opportunity to celebrate somewhere beyond our dining room tables, to learn new Passover customs and to enrich and deepen the holiday experience.
Whether you are Jewish or new to Judaism, an interfaith couple, looking for an experiential learning opportunity to make new traditions, or simply seeking friendly faces and a warm and familiar place to enjoy a Seder with other adults, we’d love for you to join us for this inclusive second night Seder experience with the Rabbis.
Sunday, April 13 | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm | Temple Israel | $36 (TI member); $54 (non-member)
Young adults ages 16-20 are welcome to attend and must be accompanied by an adult. Open to the community; guests are welcome. Please RSVP at