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Confronting Your Fears: The Commando Way

Congregation Temple Israel presents

Confronting Your Fears: The Commando Way

An Intimate Conversation with Guy Melemed,
IDF Special Forces Combat Paramedic

Thursday, April 11, at 7 pm

Congregation Temple Israel
#1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, 63141


Guy Melamed recently finished four and half years of military service as a non-commissioned officer in the Israel Defense Force elite 669 Airborne Rescue and Evacuation Unit. It was during high school that Guy discovered his passion for emergency medicine, motivating him to volunteer with Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah as a medic and later as a paramedic, and in the emergency room at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.

RSVP by Monday, April 8, to Martina Stern at mstern@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050.

Sh’ma: Listen! Speaker Series is generously funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation, a Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis.

The Sh’ma: Listen! Speakers Series promotes engagement with a wide spectrum of ideas as a means to deepen our community’s education and commitment to Jewish life. The views expressed by speakers are their own and not necessarily those of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis or the Center for Jewish Learning.

Event Chair
Billy Rubenstein

Sh’ma: Listen! Advisory Committee Chair
Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman

Rabbi Tracy Nathan, Senior Educator, Center for Jewish Learning
Cyndee Levy, Director, Center for Jewish Learning

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Gerald P. Greiman, Board Chair


April 11, 2019
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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