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An Extraordinary Unordinary New Year

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RSVP by September 2.

Join Women’s Philanthropy for a donor appreciation event honoring women who contribute a minimum household gift of $1,000, with special recognition to the Pomegranate Society ($1,800-4,999) and all new Pomegranates.

We look forward to celebrating together! A Zoom link will be sent prior to the event.

Pomegranate Pick-Up Party
Join us at the Kaplan Feldman Complex on Friday, September 10, between 2-4 pm, or Sunday, September 12, between 9-11 am, to pick up your gift of Simone Knego’s inspiring book and a treat to enjoy during the event. Delivery available upon request.

Please contact Jessica Wax at JWax@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3805 with any questions.

Pomegranate Society is a giving society for women who contribute between $1,800 and $4,999 (individual or household) to the Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ Unrestricted Annual Campaign.



Event Chairs
Jenny Abeles and Heather Padratzik

Gina Bernstein, Carol Blinder, Amy Lampert, Ricki Marglous, Dalia Oppenheimer, Lisa Pollack, Marilyn Ratkin, Sheri Sherman, Bonnie Solomon, Jennifer Growe Soshnik, Renee Wasserman, Susan Witte

Women’s Philanthropy Leadership
Lori Sheinbein, Vice Chair, Development
Amy Bender-Levy, Chair
Laura Fields, Chair-Elect

Mackenzie Isringhausen, Development Associate, Women’s Philanthropy
Jessica Wax, Associate, Women’s Philanthropy
Stacy Wagerman, Director, Women’s Philanthropy
Julie Gibbs, Vice President, Development

Jewish Federation of St. Louis
John Greenberg, Vice Chair, Development
Greg Yawitz, Board Chair
Brian Herstig, President & CEO



Please contact Jessica Wax at JWax@JFedSTL.org or 314-442-3805 to register or for more information.



September 13, 2021
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

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