Susan Schlichter says giving is a part of her family history. “My parents set an example for my sister and I,” she says. Throughout her life, Schlichter’s mother gave to causes, including the Jewish Federation, and when she died she wanted her possessions donated. “We knew she’d want them to go to the NCJW.”

In addition to her parents’ example, Schlichter gives to Federation because she found a connection to the organization on a mission to Israel. “I was blown away by the people in Federation and what Federation did—it began to have more meaning for me,” she says. After that initial trip, she made another trip to Israel with Federation’s Caring for Jews in Need–Overseas subcommittee. “I saw firsthand the programs that Federation funded, and I really got connected to how we have an impact, both here and abroad,” Schlichter says. She decided to get more involved and now heads up the subcommittee.

In addition, Schlichter found a connection to the “like-minded” people who were involved in Federation. “I’m from California, and I made a family here,” Schlichter says. “Federation is part of our community family.”