We all walked backward into time today by visiting the original “town center” of Tel Aviv. We learned from our guide Amir how the original Tel Aviv included and focused around a high school. We also learned that 60 Jewish residents together built a new modern city called Tel Aviv at the turn of the century. Little did they know what they were doing was building not only a city, but a new nation.
One of our beautiful moments caught on video.
We had lunch and toured Ayalon Park, the old landfill mountain located just outside of Tel Aviv. They are doing amazing work to educate the population on conservation, recycling and expanding the city’s green space. Our lunch was prepared by a special program, the Hiriya Coffee shop. The coffee shop caters to all Park visitors and is operated entirely by youth at risk, guided and mentored by business professionals and social workers.
Learn more about this amazing Park, https://www.ayalon-park.org.il/